Some extra planning won’t hurt. [Source of photo]
Whether you’re a seasoned traveller or someone who is just embarking on a new journey, you will continue to learn new ideas on how to enhance your experience. We’ve put together our top 8 travel tips to you and hope you get to use them when you travel and visit one of our hotels:
Plan ahead: If you have an idea when you will take a vacation next year, plan now. Pick a location and book your flight ticket, you’ll be surprised how much of a difference the price is a few months before the trip and a year before. Familiarize yourself with the trip destination so you can save for your travel budget. Transportation and food will be the bulk of expenses.
It’s better to travel light: Lay out everything you want to bring on your bed so you have a visual idea of how much you’re bringing instead of just stuffing them in your suitcase. Check what the weather’s like at your destination, review your travel itinerary and only bring things that you think are necessary with a few extra options. Don’t forget, you can always buy a new shirt or skirt there if you like. How do you know you’ve packed too much? Make sure to leave a little bit of room in your suitcase just in case you need to bring back some souvenirs or you might just want to buy something for yourself!
Pack an emergency carry-on: Let’s cross fingers that this wouldn’t happen but with long distance flights, there are transfers and waits; what if you miss your flight or they lose your luggage? To save yourself some money and hassle, pack some emergency clothing and toiletries in your carry-on: contact solutions, make-up remover, toothbrush, extra underwear, etc. You’ll thank yourself later if you are ever stranded at a foreign airport.
Make sure you have your important documents: Passport, identification cards, flight ticket, cash, credit card, and information of your hotel. If they have the hotel information in the destination’s language, print it out as well. Some taxi drivers in foreign countries might not speak English and it’s best to show them the name and address of the hotel than you hoping they understood what you said.
Also make a few photocopies of your passport and keep it separated of your other documents. In case of lost/stolen belongings and in case the hotel reception needs the data you don’t have to leave your passport.
Bring some light entertainment and nourishments: Bring a book to read that you don’t mind giving away later if you are on a long distance flight. Carry your mp3 player with you to practice speaking the foreign language and some light tunes while you’re waiting for your next flight. Pack a granola bar just in case you really can’t stomach the airplane meals. It’s okay to bring some personal items with you on a trip; we all need something from home we like to hold on to!
Reach Out: Arrange for your airlines to email, text message or to call you with flight changes. Many travel companies and airlines are actually on Twitter now as well, so you can have the latest updates not only on last minute changes, but also everyday deals for future references.
Keep an Open Mind: You’re in a foreign country and who knows when you’ll be back? Try their local cuisines, attempt to speak the language, and experience things that you have never tried before. If you have never sailed before, take a shot at it! You will later appreciate what you have tried and go home with some great stories.
Relax and Have Fun: Traveling can be stressful but you might as well have fun. You are traveling in a foreign country where you are having a whole new learning experience. Have fun and enjoy yourself and make it a goal to make your trip as pleasurable for you as possible.
What else would you add on our travel list? We’d love to hear some more and compile more travel tip posts! Find us on Facebook and Twitter to see our daily updates of the latest travel articles and Suncani Hvar updates.
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